The Book


The Book on Quantum Leaps for Leaders

– The Practical Guide To Becoming a More Efficient And Effective Leader From The Inside Out

This is a journey of profound personal and professional transformation – both mine and yours, in fact. This book takes you through an adventurous and challenging journey spanning 20 years, starting with my highly skeptical introduction to new and powerful ways of unblocking and releasing the keys to my full potential as a leader.

Through this journey, I will share with you some underlying causes for internal blocks, resistance, and even addictions that keep us marooned and unable to unlock the fullest version of ourselves (even if you’re already seen by others as a high achiever). Along the way, using a scientifically proven approach, I also address the issues of burnout, fear and other dysfunctional patterns that affect so many of us in the modern world.

In this step-by-step guide, I focus on what has actually worked for me and countless others, to quickly identify and deal with internal blocks and eventually acquire the ability to fulfill your true purpose in life. You will learn how to do this naturally, engaging both your heart and mind, based on you and your unique situation.

Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll find inside:

  • Why You Are Not Fulfilling Your Full Potential (Yet)
    Taking the first steps to seeing that, even as wonderful as you are, there is more, and it’s available on tap
  • Building Your Self-Esteem Quickly, Actively and Purposefully
    A breakthrough method that is scientifically and socially proven to provide a dramatic, grounded and lasting boost to your self-esteem
  • How to Identify Your Natural Brilliance
    The unique way to identify where you’re naturally brilliant, where you’re likely to have blind spots, and where you may just be flawed
  • Moving From Resistance to High-Achieving, Positive Leadership
    The radical new way of working with the grain of how people actually operate to achieve bold goals within an entirely new paradigm, complete with a real-life high-stakes case study and a step-by-step process for achieving transformational results, based on fully committed collaboration
  • Becoming a Leader of the Future
    A compelling vision for the future and a personal invitation


This book will have a profoundly positive impact on you, your work and those around you, including colleagues, friends and family. Also, don’t just take my word on this – here’s what others have to say:

“Some of the most profound changes in the world have come from someone that approaches an on-going problem, from a completely different angle. Bitta quite brilliantly explores and explains the challenges of what it is to be human and an aspiring leader. This book is a wonderful mixture of inspired new thinking, practical how to advice and massive sprinkling of magic – Quite Brilliant!”

– Nicholas Haines,Creator of The Vitality Test, Founder of the Five Institute

«Looking for an authentic book from somebody who has ‘been there, done that’? This is it – look no further. In this book, Bitta guides you instructively through the different levels that will make you more balanced, secure, confident and effective, in everything you do.»

– Rúna Magnús, Awarded Personal Branding Speaker & Strategist,
Author of the books: Branding Your X-Factor & Your SeXy-Factor

«This is the perfect example of how small steps can lead to great things. It is obvious that Bitta has vision, mission and passion, and both you and I can jump on her bus towards the global destination we probably all wish to reach as human beings.»

– Trine Åldstedt, Author & NLP Master Trainer, Founder of MetaResource


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